The Philosophy Sharing Foundation will be holding a talk in Maltese on Antonio Gramsci by Education Minister Evarist Bartolo.

The talk aims to shed more light on this interesting personality and what insight he provided to help understand reality and change it in accordance with the values of liberty, social justice and sustainable development. The Fascist leader Benito Mussolini said these words on Gramsci: “For 20 years we must stop this brain from functioning.”

Several questions pop up: Why did Mussolini fear Gramsci so much that he placed him in prison, from where Gramsci wrote his best work? Who was Gramsci – a small-framed man, slightly humped… but still considered a giant in political philosophy to this very day?

In his short life, Gramsci produced  many writings: literary and theatrical criticism, journalistic reports, children’s stories and philosophical reflections on power of every type. In his attempt to understand why fascism won in Italy, Gramsci can point out why populism is winning in so many countries.

Ten new books on Gramsci will go on sale during the talk.

The talk will be held tomorrow at 7pm at the foyer of the Education Ministry building in Floriana. Everyone is invited to attend and entrance is free but any donations would be appreciated. Proceeds will help the foundation to continue organising such activities.

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