Matches: 62. Wins: 46. Draws: 16. Goals: 154.
Average goals per match: 2.48.
Goals in first half: 65.
Goals in second half: 86.
Goals in extra time (golden goals): 3.
Penalty shoot-outs: 2.
Fastest goal: Emmanuel Olisadebe of Poland - 3rd minute vs United States.
Most goals scored by team: Brazil 16.
Most goals scored by player: Ronaldo (Brazil) 6.
Fewest goals scored: China/France/Saudi Arabia 0.
Fewest goals conceded: Germany 1.
Most shots by team: Germany 88.
Most shots by player: Ronaldo (Brazil) 21.
Most shots on target by team: Brazil 46.
Most shots on target by player: Ronaldo (Brazil) 17.
Fewest shots by team: China 19.
Fewest shots on target by team: Tunisia 6.
Most fouls in match: Japan vs Russia 62.
Most fouls by team: South Korea 123.
Most fouls by player: Cafu (Brazil)/Clever Chala (Ecuador) 17.
Most fouled player: Yildiray Basturk (Turkey) 28.
Fewest fouls in match: Nigeria vs England 19.
Red cards: 17.
Most red cards by team: Paraguay/Portugal/Turkey 2.
Yellow cards: 252 (does not include yellow cards to players who were shown red cards in same match).
Most cards in match: Cameroon vs Germany 14 (two reds/12 yellows).
Fewest cards in match: Germany vs Ireland/Nigeria vs England 0.
Most cards by team: Germany 16 (one red/15 yellows).
Fewest cards by team: Nigeria 2.
Penalties awarded: 18.
Penalties converted: 13.
Penalties in shoot-outs: 19.
Penalties missed in shoot-outs: 6.
Own goals: 3.
Most possession in match: Mexico 67 per cent vs US.
Most corners: South Korea 43.
Fewest corners: Saudi Arabia 4.
Most offsides: Brazil 26.
Fewest offsides: Slovenia 3.
Highest score: Germany 8 Saudi Arabia 0.
Goalless draws: 3.

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