You might think from the title that this is about the MUMN's disgraceful statement on how we shouldn't take Libyan wounded under care, but you'd be wrong. If I was writing about the fact that a union of nurses, of all professions, had made such an outrageous statement, I'd be using much stronger language, believe me, so much so that I doubt that the moderator would let it through.

Let's just leave it at "disgraceful" then, with a call for the union's leaders to resign.

No, what I'm on about are the people who were interviewed by the paper version of this site about the PM's speech at the Independence Day Mass Meeting.

Generally speaking, to a man (I don't recall if any women were interviewed, I use man in the "mankind" sense anyway) they got all huffy and pompous and decried what they called the divisiveness of the speech, bemoaning the lost opportunity for promoting "national unity", in their words.

Oh dearie, dearie me, what prissy pompousness, especially on the part of whoever it was who compared the speech to something the Leader of the Opposition mumbled in some speech or other on one of those other days when some relatively insignificant event is celebrated (check out Beck for more on that)

Quite apart from anything else, why in the name of all that's beautiful do we need "national unity", whatever that is, promoted?

We're not exactly facing Armageddon at the moment, for all the fuss that the ill-informed are making about Moodys' assessment. We're not at war with anyone or anything. "National unity", folks, is code for "give Labour a chance", whether they deserve it or not.

Our democracy, which has thankfully fully recovered from the attacks on its integrity by Mintoff and KMB, thrives on the dynamic between the two parties (there are only two) and if Labour haven't had a chance to run things, it's because the electorate, bless its little cotton socks, hasn't seen fit to trust them.

When they finally get their act together, they might get a turn, but in the meantime, let's have a little less about "national unity" and more about the fact that a) the Nationalists have demonstrated that they have the credentials to be proud of their achievements (check out the IMF's opinion, if these things matter to you) and b) if you want real examples of "divisiveness", check out virtually every statement Labour's spokesmen make on anything.

Check out the comments that will follow this, for that matter, and you'll see what I mean.

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