Sitting here in Cambridgeshire, I read the article The Government’s Hunting Debacle (October 7) with interest, and no small amount of dismay. Before I begin, I must say that I went to school in Malta; I also married there in 1960.

Whatever one’s views, it is time that the EU banned hunting in Malta forthwith. The penalty for the Maltese government in not complying should be the most strict of sanctions.

What right have the so-called "hunters" (a laughable term as there are no indigenous fauna to speak of, certainly none that pose any kind of threat) of Malta, to participate in the destruction of the world’s already fragile environment by shooting passerines enjoyed by the populations of many countries both north and south of your islands. The notion beggars belief, both in respect to the past as well as today.

The Maltese government should firstly ban all shotguns, allowing other forms of firearm for use in licensed shooting clubs only.

A simple matter: do it. Or the wrath of the combined nations of the EU will fall upon you.

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