A Shaolin monk breaks a concrete block with his bare hands.A Shaolin monk breaks a concrete block with his bare hands.

The world-famous Shaolin monks wowed spectators in St George’s Square, Valletta, on Saturday with a show of superhuman strength.

With amazing feats of flexibility and pain endurance, the monks have gained a worldwide reputation as the ultimate Buddhist warriors.

This was the first time that genuine Shaolin monks had given a performance in Malta, according to the China Cultural Centre.

Shaolin Kung Fu is one of the oldest institutionalised styles of Chinese martial arts. It is today one of the most respected and revered martial arts traditions in the world.

The troupe lives up to its reputation as the cultural business card of Puyang

The practitioners of Shaolin Kung Fu, Shaolin monks, are esteemed as some of the most committed warriors. The style was developed in China’s Henan province.

The show – Shaolin Zen Kung Fu and Puyang Acrobatics Spectacular – was the work of the only State-owned acrobatic troupe in Puyang, known as the hometown of acrobatics. Having won awards in domestic and international competitions, the troupe has over 200 members and has performed in over 40 countries, living up to its reputation as the “cultural business card of Puyang”.

A member of the troupe balances on a metal pole with one hand.A member of the troupe balances on a metal pole with one hand.

Shaolin monks train in the use of 36 weapons, and each picks two animal movements and styles to specialise in.

Though much younger, Henan Province’s Dengfeng Zhongyue Shaolin Boxing Culture Troupe has also toured the world, performing in at least 10 countries.

It was founded in 1998 and, during peak tourist season, performs to over 1,000 visitors daily, holding up to 10 performances in one day.

The boxing troupe has held more than 50,000 performances, including 6,000 for charity, for more than two million people.

The event was supported by the Valletta local council.

Members of the troupe demonstrate their extraordinary strength and flexibility.Members of the troupe demonstrate their extraordinary strength and flexibility.

A monk is held in the air by three ‘spears’.A monk is held in the air by three ‘spears’.

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