The national claim that our towns and villages feasts are a celebration to the respective patron saint is an irrational perception as much as being a misnomer. When assessed by level-minded individuals in a cool frame of mind, more so by foreigners, one will conclude that they are not; they are only a pagan celebration, no more, no less, and that excludes no town or village, except for the religious part inside the church. Analyse this.

Our Lady of Sorrows enjoys enormous spiritual devotion by practically everyone in Malta. On the day dedicated to her we give Our Lady total respect and show our devotion by going to church, attending to a truly religious procession and do some penance. No African rituals at band marches, no Maltese nougat, definitely no fireworks and Chinese crackers. Just plain old-fashioned spiritual meditation.

And then comes summer and the Church and the nice folk of St Paul’s Bay decorate their church and main roads with colourful drapes, fairy lights and other rubbish. While the bands are playing and Chinese crackers let off, the devout Catholics paint their halfnaked bodies with blue war paint, drink alcohol in excessive quantities, munch on hotdogs and festa nougat and make fools of themselves with other pagan rituals. And this during the day dedicated to the same Our Lady of Sorrows!

Now does any of this really make sense to a true Roman Catholic?

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