I think climate change is the least of our worries; rather our oil dependency is. Having been an avid reader of www.theoildrum.com for many years and having churned my way through numerous books, I am clearly of the assumption that climate change or global warming is real and happening but is used as a byword for "peak oil" or the "oil peak" which I believe has arrived.

As global oil supplies begin to run down, so will everything else including our debt-based money system... Maybe we are seeing the beginning of that already?

When this happens it will be every nation for itself and each nation will have to embark on a mitigation programme. Two of the things that made me leave my beloved Malta with my Maltese-Anglo children were water and food. There seems to be no real thinking on these very issues; arable land is being chewed up for construction projects; many were started over 11 years ago when I first set foot on Malta and many still stand empty as if a futile exercise in crass over development. Population density also worried me as without cheap abundant energy, reverse osmoses becomes unaffordable and annual rain fall is pitiful for a population that is close to half a million.

Malta seems to have embarked on an ecocide mission with the ultimate goal of self obliteration. Global oil supplies are dwindling and this will become more apparent in the next few years - each barrel of oil is almost akin to having around 1,000 personal slaves working 24/7, 365 days a year for each and every one of us.

There is really nothing quite like this cooked gue and before the oil age and the green revolution, populations were very small.

In my own country we had a population of around four million before the industrial revolution, today it stands at around 65 million.

I am surprised that in Malta there has not been much talk about the potential for very real problems, but instead it seems to be building unsustainable IT parks, building more hotels for tourists that will never come, airport extensions for planes that will not fly, and the growth paradigm is exhorted as if we live on an infinite planet of resources.

Millions upon millions are going to have a very rude awakening.

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