The Royal Commonwealth Society (Malta Branch), an independent, non-partisan network of individuals and organisations committed to the improvement of the lives of the citizens of the Commonwealth through engaging youth, civil society, business and governmental networks, celebrated its official launch at the recently-refurbished Casino Notabile, Mdina.

Blessings were given by Mgr Louis Camilleri and Fr Simon Godfrey, chancellor of St Paul’s Pro Cathedral.

In attendance were Foreign Affairs Minister Carmelo Abela and British High Commissioner Stuart William Gill, both of whom gave speeces.

The society’s president and Mdina mayor, Peter Sant Manduca, said that the executive committee was ready to “[commence] its mission to drive positive social, environmental and economic change, to promote dialogue between organisations for the well-being and prosperity of individuals, to empower young people, and to celebrate cultural diversity and the values shared by citizens of the commonwealth”.

Also present was historian Mario Farrugia, who gave an informative talk about the history of the venue.

The executive committee of the Royal Commonwealth Society (Malta Branch) is eager to engage new members and to begin its work in Malta. Those interested can e-mail

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