"What did you expect me to do? He ruined my family."
Martino Gatt explaining to police why he shot Louis Ellul, the partner of his estranged wife, in Pembroke.

"Up to some time ago the prison authorities would not accept that drugs were readily available in prison."
Mario Felice, Prison Board of Visitors chairman, on tackling the drug situation in prison.

"We are being far too complacent... We must have a workable and viable national sexual health policy. One has been 'gestating' for the last eight years."
Philip Carabot, Genitourinary Clinic chairman, on the high rate of sexually transmitted infections in Malta.

"We are planning to ratify it by the middle of the year."
Prime Minister Laurence Gonzi, on the new EU treaty, keeping journalists guessing on whether the ratification process would be left to a new legislature.

"The country would be poorer socially without them."
Kenneth Wain, newly appointed commissioner for voluntary organisations, on the work of NGOs.

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