Labour, CNI and yours truly have said it years ago. But now, a PN MEP and Minister George Pullicino are saying it too. It took them quite some time, but it seems that they have finally awakened to reality!

MEP David Casa's speech in the European Parliament about the hunting derogation must have shocked all those who wear blinkers whenever criticism is levelled at the EU. His speech was in Maltese and is worth repeating: "Rizoluzzjonijiet bhal dawn jimminaw il-kredibilità tal-istituzzjonijiet Ewropej. X'garanzija ghandna ahna l-Maltin li ghad l-Unjoni Ewropeja zzomm kelmitha fuq il-bqija tan-negozjati?"

Translating it into English: "Such resolutions undermine the credibility of EU institutions. What guarantee do we Maltese have that the EU will keep its word on the rest of the negotiations?"

I had said precisely the same thing on March 1, about two weeks prior to Mr Casa's speech.

I take this opportunity to thank him for confirming what I had said in my commentary on Smash TV.

The second quote is taken from Herman Grech's report of an interview with Mr Pullicino (March 20): "With all due respect to its employees, the European Commission isn't always right. We are sharing our sovereignty (are we?!) with the EU, but I never wanted to join the EU to get a diktat!" Well said, Minister!

My sole question is this: Did he really believe that we Maltese would be sharing our sovereignty with the EU when his own colleague, parliamentary secretary Edwin Vassallo, had unequivocally stated in Parliament: "I do not tell my colleagues, listen to me. I tell them: If the EU wants it to be so, so will it be".

How ironic that such statements have been made when the EU is celebrating its 50th anniversary!

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