Student organisation Pulse said this morning it hoped that the SDM-led University Students’ Council (KSU) will respect the findings and recommendations of an Auditor General report and take the necessary measures “to remedy its sorry state of good governance”.

The report presented by the Auditor General to the Speaker yesterday, confirmed irregularities within KSU’s operations and the way it transformed itself from a representative body to a commercial organisation, Pulse said.

It confirmed that the council never had any right to rent parts of Students House, in contrast to what had always been claimed by KSU officials that the concession of Students’ House was granted to the council so that it could sustain its finances and autonomy.

“The financial dependence of KSU on property which does not belong to the council is in itself against any principle of autonomy and self-sustainability,” Pulse said.

It added that the auditor also proved claims by Pulse that the KSU was applying procedures which were in no way “accountable” and “transparent”.

“Unfortunately KSU representatives have been hiding behind the excuse of student organisations to defend their irregular state, even when organisations on campus only benefit from a small percentage of what the KSU actually earns.”

Pulse insisted that arrogance could no longer prevail and it was high time that the main students’ body at University truly expressed representation and integrity.

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