In spite of the so-called Frontex supposedly controlling the Libyan coast, we have recently had something like 700 unwanted guests turning up along our shores.

It is fast becoming a national emergency and the European Union must stop this talk, talk, talk and promises, promises, promises. Some time ago I mentioned that at one time the Australian government provided a chartered passenger liner and anchored it off its coast sending their illegal immigrants there to await processing. I then suggested that the EU does the same.

I now would like to suggest it again that the EU forms a "partnership for illegal immigrants" and a passenger liner be chartered to patrol outside Libyan territorial waters, intercepting and taking on board these immigrants. In the first instance, Malta, Italy and Spain would provide on board, on a roster basis, joint teams of military, the police and civilian officials to process these immigrants and decide which country they want to go to. Alternatively they could return them to Libya.

I am sure Amnesty International, the JIC and many other NGOs would be only too happy to help out in the processing from on board such a vessel and at the same time each country involved would be able to share in the cost on a pro-rata basis to size.

Now that our own Simon Busuttil is heading an EU immigration commission perhaps this suggestion may be considered. The chartered vessel itself would of course fly the EU flag.

Whether this suggestion is taken up or not, the talk must stop or we will have a greater emergency than the one we have today. With the cost of living rising we cannot afford to support these unfortunate people in such large numbers adding to our own population.

Stop all this talk and take action now!

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