The Press Ethics Commission has upheld a complaint by PBS journalist Keith Demicoli against the weekly newspaper KullHadd.

It also considered complaints by PBS editor Natalino Fenech against Charles Flores and Messrs 'B & V' against Brandon Pisani, formerly a journalist with l-Orizzont.

In the case moved by Mr Demicoli, the commission concluded that KullHadd had published a story about Mr Demicoli which was not true and no attempt was made to verify the facts with Mr Demicoli.

The Commission found that KullHadd had breached the code of ethics and it criticised editor Felix Agius who had permitted the article to be printed.

In the case moved by Dr Fenech, the Commission that although it was not true that Dr Fenech had decided to outsource the filming of the Eurovision, rather than send a PBS cameraman, as had been claimed by Mr Flores in an article in l-Orizzont, the matter could have easily been settled without involving the Commission through the publication of a correction, which Mr Flores said he would have had no problem carrying.

It reminded Mr Flores of his journalistic duties to verify facts with the person concerned whenever this was possible in the interest of readers.

In the case against Mr Pisani, Messrs B & V complained about an article and photos by Mr Pisani which publicised their address and showed the facade of their home making it easy for them, victims of a crime, to be identified.

The Commission ruled that it did not believe that Mr Pisani had not respected private life since his article was essentially reporting an event that had taken place.

The Commission questioned, however, whether the article should have been given the prominence it had but said it could not comment on this because this decision was not taken by the journalist but by his editor, who was not part of the procedures.

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