The United Nations World Tourism Organisation appointed President Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca as a United Nations Special Ambassador for the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development.

This is the second time that President Coleiro Preca has been given recognition by the United Nations, following the “Agent of Change Award”, awarded in September 2016, in New York.

At the United Nations World Tourism Organisation Headquarters in Madrid, President Coleiro Preca had a meeting with secretary general Taleb Rifai and officials of the United Nations World Tourism Organisation.

She is leading a delegation made up of the president and the CEO of the Malta Hotels and Restaurants Association, as well as high-level representatives from the Mediterranean Tourism Foundation, of which the President is patron; and the director for strategy and planning within the Tourism Ministry.

As patron of the Mediterranean Tourism Foundation, the President formally asked the United Nations World Tourism Organisation to affiliate the Mediterranean Tourism Foundation within this global organisation. Through this affiliation, which was accepted in principle, the Mediterranean Tourism Foundation will be in a position to share the good practices and initiatives it is spearheading to other regions of the world.


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