My last blog was all about Kurt, the Eurovision and how politics comes into anything we do.

I thought it was only a joke that politicians would really care about silly Eurovision. Then Jason Micallef—he who was secretary-general of a party and now heads same party's TV and radio stations—has come out with the "let's have an enquiry" usual boring rigmarole. Is this country for real? And we say we don't have unbelievably entertaining politics and politicians?

And talking of politics (yawn yawn)...I love the way Adrian Vassallo first said all sorts of stuff about his dear leader being a horror then realised he said all that because he was offended and didn't really mean it and could they be friends forever and ever? So let's make our peace, cross our little fingers and hug smugly seems to be the message being conveyed by Dr Vassallo—just a few days after his confession and diatribe against anything his party stood for.

In his latest volte-face Dr Vassallo also cryptically said that after all it wasn't true what he had said that the MPs were not consulted by the leader. He now realised that he rarely attended the meetings meant for discussion with the MPs so he was completely wrong when he said what he had said. Dear disillusioned reader don't try understanding this farce for fear you'll end up crying, not in horror, but in comedic fits.

Is this doctor serious? And has he really been entrusted by hordes of people to be a representative in parliament? I always used to think making some sense is a basic given for entering parliament? Lately it is becoming more and more a given to have silly ideas to be assured of a place with the elite—those chosen to decide our, and our children's, future. If this is the elite thank God I form part of the lower levels of the population. And seeing that we, the population, vote for these people maybe I will now resign from humanity and join the ranks of the bugs and vermin. At least those don't have a vote—yet!—and so are not responsible for our choice of choicest people to lead us into further idiocy.

Back to Dr Vassallo's antics. Not sure who really thought or desired his voting with the PN. Isn't he a bit too conservative for the Nats? I mean he would, if he could, stop all porn from our hotel TV screens. We all know how we—as a population but mainly Dr Gonzi and his cronies—care and worry about the naughty Brits and silly Swedes who, when here in Malta, have the brazen audacity to watch some vacuous porn. Oh, and if memory serves me well, he is also a hunter—and haven't all hunters been razed out of the PN ranks? Or at least that is what Muscat, Falzon and Co seem to indicate when calling all true and blue hunters to join their party. They also seem to indicate that once installed in power they will then proceed to fix, and nullify, all restrictions imposed by that other silly interfering organisation called the EU.

Again I have broken my word and instead of discussing something innocuous like pavements and dog doings stuck to that old favourite—politics. But when they—all politicians of all hues and sizes—offer such fodder for laughs and jollity who needs bloggers and other vermin to discuss anything else?

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