On May 11, a group from Weymouth, Dorset, England visited Id-Dar tal-Providenza to spend a holiday with their pen-friends. This all came about by a chance letter from Gill Saunders, a staff member from a day centre for adults with learning disabilities in Weymouth writing to Id-Dar tal-Providenza in the hope that a pen-friend link could be made.

Monica Saliba from Id-Dar tal-Providenza agreed to be the co-ordinator of the group. Many letters, cards and gifts have been exchanged since the start of this project approximately five years ago. Eleven people from the pen-friend group in Weymouth currently correspond with their pen-friends at Id-Dar tal-Providenza.

The Ridgeway Centre and its outreaches provide social and educational activities for approximately 165 people of varying abilities and have a staff of 60 to 65.

The first visit to Id-Dar tal-Providenza was made by Gill and her husband Mike who were holidaying in Malta and were interested to see the people with whom the pen-friends were corresponding. They were overwhelmed by the friendship and hospitality shown to them. On their return home, Gill spoke to her manager at the Ridgeway Centre who suggested they try to take a small group over to meet their pen-friends. A great deal of fundraising was needed to pay for this visit, but after a lot of hard work the first group came to Id-Dar tal-Providenza four years ago. This was a great experience especially as two of the people had never flown before.

The following year a group from Id-Dar tal-Providenza went to England on a return visit which was a great success. The first visit was such an enjoyable experience for both sets of pen-friends that it was decided to try and repeat the experience for four more of the pen-friend group. Those to visit this time were Audrey, Ruth, Max and Jeffrey accompanied again by Gill and another staff member Peter Wilson. Audrey, Ruth and Max had never been away from home before, so this trip was something new for all of them.

They would like to say a big "Thank you" to everyone who has made this experience possible and for the hospitality shown to them and hope that the pen-friend group will continue with its great success in the future.

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