The above title was one of the comments on the Times online that really stuck in my mind for the rest of the day right after I read about the terrible news. Desmond Vella one of our little island’s, young and dynamic businessmen had passed away suddenly in Cyprus.

Like many artists and bands, I knew Desmond in the world of music. In actual fact one of the first gig I played live with my then band Tiara, was at ‘Tribu’ back in 1997! This was one of the first Festivals to ever hit the scene locally and Desmond was the mastermind behind it. I still remember him meeting with various bands, with a sparkle in his eye, telling us all about it and his other projects. He had this permanent smile, which made it always, such a pleasure to hold meetings with him. His innovative ideas drove the Local dance scene to a frenzy, but he never forgot to include young upcoming bands like us and giving them a chance to play in the rock arena he set up specifically for artists in our genre.

Desmond was very loved by many of us in the media. Many had the opportunity to work closely with him because he used to provide them with sponsorship deals for their TV programmes.

He trained his staff well, they really followed his cheerful disposition and would only give a service with the smile he wore on his face daily. His clients remained loyal and visited his outlets in the hope of bumping into him, because if that was the case he would exchange a little joke and flash his trademark smile.

I met Desmond about 3 weeks ago at an event, where he was present with some foreign agents of his. We joked about the vibe of the event and said it wasn’t really fit for people like “us” who liked a good party. I pulled his leg, asking if this guy, wearing a gold male jacket had bought this atrocity from his store. Des cracked up in laughter and took the joke. We spoke about his new ideas for another festival following the success he recently acquired being one of the organizers of “Earth Garden.” His eyes always shone when he would speak about a new venture, I guess I will always remember him as a man eager to take on new challenges and share it with us all.

He will be missed by all of us.

I cannot imagine the pain and heart-ache his family are going through. I just hope that they find the strength to get through this unbelievable hurdle. My prayers go out to them in this difficult time.

I’m sure wherever Desmond is right now he’s looking down on his family and friends, with that infectious smile of his! Until we meet again!

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