The 2010 FIFA World Cup, I am sure, will be remembered not for the skill of the players or the excitement of the football but as the Vuvuzela tournament.

What a great pity that this infernal contraption was not left in the South African outback but allowed to spoil the atmosphere of such a great contest. The entire board of FIFA should resign for allowing this gadget to spoil our enjoyment of football.

It has spoilt the fantastic response to play on the field, which to my mind makes up half the pleasure of a football match. The roars, chants, singing, etc., have unfortunately been drowned out from the terraces by the sounding of vuvuzelas and made the World Cup tournament much less attractive.

It has been known that blind football fans follow the game by listening to the reactions of the spectators and thus enjoy the game. But the vuvuzela has spoiled the enjoyment for all.

I hope this thing is banned outside South Africa. I am sure that if this is allowed in any sport, it will keep the sporting public away. FIFA have not heeded what the people had to say as they are more interested in making money.

Many people agree with me and they would not attend any sport where the sounding of vuvuzelas is allowed. Indeed, I would not attend, even if I was paid to do so. Shame and shame again.

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