Can anybody just take over a cave, install a door, put a name plate and even build a stove within a concrete structure? This happened at Mistra. It would certainly be of public interest if the relevant authority were to put the record straight. Someone, somewhere has some explaining to do even if all this is ‘legal’.

Health hazard

Loose gravel at the St Elmo Granaries entrance, in Valletta, is found on the pavement and the parking area in the vicinity. Not only is this an eyesore, considering that hundreds of tourists visit the area regularly, but it is also a health hazard for those walking on the pavement. Is the local council aware of this or is it something the central government has to address?







Above the law

It seems those driving government vehicles believe they are above the law and can park wherever they please. A visit to Castille Place, Valletta, will illustrate this point very clearly. A government car was parked on the side of the narrow road near St Paul Street, causing chaos as other vehicles tried to manoeuvre their way through. Civil servants handling official cars should lead by example, not flaunt power.


More bins

More waste bins are evidently needed at the Fekruna project in Xemxija, which was recently inaugurated. Those provided are not enough to cater for the amount of people visiting the area, especially when the weekend approaches. Sending a sweeper every now and then to collect leaves strewn about after windy days is not a bad idea at all either.

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