The Ombudsman today published 11 proposals aimed at strengthening the Ombudsman Institution.
The proposals were prepared following a request by the European Affairs Minister.
The Ombudsman said the proposals included essential measures to be taken for a correct evolution of the institution in a modern and democratic society.
"These recommendations propose that the Constitution should recognise the right to a good public administration as a fundamental right and should also expressly recognise the principle of the state’s liability for the actions of its officers and the right of the individual to seek redress against the state for damages suffered.
"It is suggested that the Constitutional recognition and protection of the Ombudsman Institution should be at a par with that of the Auditor General."
The Ombudsman also proposed that the Government carefully evaluated any request to further the process of specialisation in his Office by the appointment of other Commissioners under the 2010 amendments of the Ombudsman Act, if the service so required.
Another issue addressed in the proposals was whether there was a need for a revision of the Ombudsman’s remit to extend his jurisdiction to protect citizens receiving an essential service from a private stakeholder previously administered by the government.
The Ombudsman said:
“It is my conviction that the principles on which the proposals made in this document are based should attract wide consensus."
The document can be read in the pdf link below.
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