Having followed the correspondence by Sandra Luke highlighting the neglected Tal-Karmnu area of our village and the various blogs that followed, I am dismayed as to why the local council or its permanent spokesman did not offer a straight answer to the question and explain why this area has been left in complete darkness.

Anyone attending a church service or even driving by will notice that this complaint is more than justified as not only is this area left in complete darkness but the access is also dangerous. This chapel is mainly used by some of the village elders who have lived in this area all their lives and worshiped in il-Knisja tal-Karmnu and they deserve to be able to attend Mass in a safe environment.

Why at the end of the day did someone have to write to The Times to get the council’s attention? I am concerned that the predominant information given was restricted to refuting the comments relating to the outstanding Enemalta bills instead of giving a straight answer to the actual issue in question or even that they will take some action to rectify the danger.

One is not advocating spending thousands of euros to upgrade this area but installing a basic light.

I have spoken to one of the renowned family elders who confirmed that this family has no claim to the church or surrounding area and that in 1979 this area was concreted by the then public works department and two ficus trees were planted which have now overgrown and are causing some concern in regard to the actual foundations, although some action seems to have been taken about this by the local authorities.

Would it be too much to ask that as well as keeping politics apart from local affairs and with some civic pride, thought, imagination and sensitivity this recessed part of the Tal-Karmnu church could be turned into a beautiful feature that will enhance this peaceful and picturesque area of St Paul’s Bay? Why can’t common sense prevail instead of stooping so low and turn a genuine concern into a political charade? Can the councillors not grasp the concept of public service?

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