A 29-year-old man from Niger was charged with filing a false police report accusing an Italian man from whom he borrowed money and trying to rob him during a hold-up.

Abubaker Ibrahim Jabril, who lives in Vittoriosa, pleaded not guilty to filing the false police report and making a false accusation against Salvatore Caschetto with the intention to extort money on May 25 at about 8pm.

Police Inspectors Joseph Mercieca and Spiridione Zammit told the court how the accused, who works as a plasterer, had allegedly borrowed about €5,000 from the Italian man. When the man went to collect his money, the accused filed the police report accusing him of trying to rob him using a weapon.

He was granted bail against a €500 deposit and a personal guarantee of €5,000.

Lawyer Simon Micallef Stafrace represented the accused.

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