The Housing Authority said today that it had replaced its assistance schemes with new schemes which will all be subject to means testing. The changes were also required in terms of the new rent law.

It explained that it had established a maximum level of assistance to applicants with a scale which goes down according to the individual's income.

The authority has also launched schemes to assist tenants carry out structural repairs in property rented from the government.

The new schemes are known as A S.M.I.L.E. with each letter standing for one of the schemes.

Scheme A provides assistance to tenants in owner-occupied or rented properties to improve the premises.

Scheme SM provides for the Authority to carry out structural works on ranted premises. In terms of the new law, the tents would then be raised in proportion to the works done.

Scheme I provides subsidies on works done on private and governemnt-rented properties built or rented after 1995.

Under Scheme L, the Authority will give assistance to tenants wishing to improve access to their homes in view of disability, including the installation of lifts or stairlifts.

In terms of Scheme E, the Housing Authority will also assist tenants of governemnt properties who wish to install lifts in government flats.

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