With reference to the debate regarding the future of disabled persons whose parents pass away, I too would like to share my views.

I am a 32-year-old woman with a physical disability and live with my father since my mother passed away nine years ago. My worry is that, if my father passes away tomorrow, I would have nobody to take care of me. Where would I live? I surely wouldn't want to live in a home or institution for elderly people. My father also worries a lot about this and often tells me how much he wishes he could have the peace of mind that his daughter would be settled after his death.

My siblings and relatives have their busy lives and their family to take care of. I don't want to be a burden to them. I totally disagree that the authorities put persons with a physical disability in an institution which cares for severely disabled persons or in a home for the elderly.

In such institutions we have no privacy, no freedom and no choices at all. Our lives and morale would be worse than ever. I think the authorities should be more aware of what could be done for us and should create a community home in every locality.

There are many old houses that could be transformed into accessible flats where three or four persons could live in their own home and have all facilities, support and services that already exist but at their liberty and making the choices they desire.

I think it is about time something is done in line with other EU countries such as the UK where community homes cater for physically disabled persons and provide all the services they need.

I sincerely hope immediate action is taken because sending a physically disabled person to an institution or home could have severe consequences on that person's quality of life. I urge other persons with disability to speak their mind about this matter.

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