Three microlight aircraft from the Island Microlight Club made several landings and take-offs from the disused Gozo helipad today to test its suitability for such operations.

The aircraft flew from Luqa in the morning and conducted several familiarisation flights over Gozo.

“The main aim of the flights was to evaluate the possibility of bringing this airstrip back to life. With a considerable sum of money having been spent on it and its supporting structures, it will make a lot of sense to make use of this project,” club spokesman Joe Ciliberti said.

The proceedings were carried out under the watchful eye of Charles Tricas from the Department of Civil Aviation, who flew on one of the aircraft. Fire trucks from the Civil Protection Department were on site throughout the day.

Mr Ciliberti said the Island Microlight Club planned to make use of the helipad in the future, subject to permits from the authorities. He said the club could organise “fly-ins” with such light aircraft from Malta and Italy arriving at the helipad for a day or a weekend of activity.

Mr Ciliberti said this was the first time in 65 years that fixed-wing aircraft had landed and taken off from Gozo, the last having been US fighters which flew from Xewkija during the invasion of Sicily in the second world war.

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