Mepa's new policy policy on fuel stations allows for petrol stations to be relocated from urban areas to ODZ land which is designated non-agricultural, Mepa said this morning.

The stations can also move to disused quarries.

No petrol stations will be allowed in conservation areas, Natura 2000 sites garrigue, valleys and waterways. They must be at least 50 metres away from any scheduled areas.

The new stations cannot be larger than 3,000 square metres and no higher than seven metres.

The policy says that fuel stations should preferably be located in Designated Industrial Areas, SME sites, Areas of Containment, Open Storage Areas or other areas earmarked for development which are not designated as Residential and Residential Priority Areas.

Parliamentary Secretary Michael Falzon said no new stations are being allowed in residential areas. The relocation of existing ones is voluntary, but they were being encouraged to do so.


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