The Malta Communications Authority (MCA) has carried out pricing review of international leased lines.
“The review generally features lower prices, particularly for high capacity offerings.The MCA estimates that on average, the price reductions amount to just over 40% compared to current prices.” The authority said.
Leased lines are secure communications links offering dedicated capacity used to connect two geographically remote areas together. These links can be used to connect two local locations (local leased lines) or to link to a foreign destination point (international leased lines).
The MCA said it had designed its price review to offer flexibility to parties interested in buying an international link up to GO’s designated network node (international and local trunk segments) and continuing towards the required local location (terminating segment) by making use of either their own infrastructure, or that of another provider. This also offers the opportunity to make use of different type of services offered by GO and other local operators, such as an ATM or Ethernet connection when it is technically feasible to do so.
“The new prices are better suited to cater for the growing international connectivity demands in Malta. These services constitute an important pre-requisite for the ever increasing communications demand of modern economies and their inherent information-based societies, which ultimately results in a positive impact on the country’s competitiveness and reduced price to the consumer,” the MCA said.