If you thought that getting a massage was merely a self-indulgent luxury, think again!

In truth, massage offers many physical benefits, including:

  • Lowers blood pressure and heart rate, increases circulation
  • Stimulates the release of endorphins (your body’s natural painkillers) to relieve headaches, anxiety, insomnia and other symptoms
  • Aids the digestive process
  • Soothes the debilitating effects of arthritis, tendonitis and carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Reduces aches and pains of pregnancy
  • Speeds rehabilitation from injury by reducing swelling, pain and the formation of scar tissue
  • Increases muscular strength and flexibility
  • Increases immune system capacity

Beyond these physical benefits, however, there is the overall sense of wellbeing massage can give. You feel better, you look better, and you are better prepared to cope with the stress of everyday life.

So give massage a chance to help you de-stress, relax and just plain feel good. Think of it as a preventative treatment, something to turn to before the ill effects of stress rob you of energy. After the first time, you’ll probably decide that as luxurious as it may feel, massage is worth it - because it gives you the enthusiasm to enjoy life’s real luxuries!

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