A 29-year-old man from Paola was handed a suspended jail term after being found guilty of importing and growing cannabis plants at his residence, as well as being in possession of heroin and cocaine.

The case dates back to September 2012, when the Customs Department discovered 10 sachets of cannabis seeds inside a DVD case which was addressed to the accused, Keith Falzon.

The police, however, planned to arrest the recipient red-handed and organised a controlled delivery some days later, when an officer posed as a Maltapost employee. Following Mr Falzon’s arrest, the police raided his residence and found 21 sachets of cannabis grass, traces of cocaine, heroin and items related to drug abuse.

The court heard that the accused had admitted to the police that he had purchased some cannabis seed over the internet, and tried to cultivate it himself to save money.

Subsequently, he testified that his cannabis addiction started when he was 16 years. He use to grow the plant in a wardrobe, and desiccate its leaves which he would then store in small sachets for his consumption. He added that each plant would yield some 30 portions.

In its decision the court presided by Natasha Galea Sciberras found the man guilty of importation but expressed its conviction that the quantities found at his house were for his personal use and so convicted him of simple and not aggravated drug possession.

As for the punishment the court said that he already been twice conditionally discharged and put on probation after being convicted of aggravated theft and drug possession respectively. On the other hand it took into consideration his willingness to collaborate with the police, and that he was trying to address his addiction of his own will.

For this reason he was sentenced to 14 months imprisonment suspended for three years and fined €1,500. Furthermore, he was placed under a three-year probation order. Police inspector Malcolm Bondin prosecuted.

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