Earlier this week, a man from Texas sued a woman for putting him through a "date from hell", according to The Telegraph.
Brandon Vezmar, 37, from Austin, claimed Crystal Crus was "a threat to civilised society" due to using her phone to text messages "at least 10-20 times in 15 minutes" during the 3D showing of “Guardians of the Galaxy, Vol. 2” last Saturday.
Vezmar told the Austin American-Statesman: "It was kind of a first date from hell." The 37-year-old claimed that the woman had demonstrated one of his biggest pet peeves and hugely irritated him.
It was reported that, after Vezmar suggested that she step outside to use her phone, Cruz left the cinema and drove home, leaving Vezmar stranded at the cinema theatre.
While damages sought are modest, the principle is important as defendant’s behaviour is a threat to civilised society.
Still angry a couple of days later, Vezmar messaged the 35-year-old woman asking her to pay him back the $17.31 (€15.56) he had spent on her during the date.
Cruz refused, on the basis that the man "took me out on a date". Vezmar then brought up the subject of taking the issue to court.
In absolute shock, Cruz told the Austin American-Statesman: “I’m not a bad woman. I just went out on a date.”
Vezmar went on to file the petition in the small claims court in Travis County.
The petitions states that “while damages sought are modest, the principle is important as defendant’s behaviour is a threat to civilised society”.
Inside Edition arranged for the pair to meet again yesterday to sort out the issue, where Cruz reportedly said: “The date just didn't work out."
After apologising, Cruz reimbursed Vezmar, urging him to "just leave this alone".
Vezmar accepted the woman's apology and money and has claimed that he will withdraw the lawsuit and donate the money to charity.