The GDP per inhabitant in Malta was 78% that of the EU average last year, figures issued by the EU show. That was 2% up on a similar survey five years previously.
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per inhabitant expressed in Purchasing Power Standards (PPS) varied from 41% to 268% of the EU27 average across the Member States.
In Finland, France, Spain, Italy, Cyprus and Greece, GDP per inhabitant was within 10% of the EU27 average. Ireland, the Netherlands, Austria, Sweden, Denmark, the United Kingdom, Germany and Belgium were between 15% and 35% above the average, while the highest level of GDP per inhabitant in the EU27 was recorded in Luxembourg.
Slovenia, the Czech Republic, Malta, Portugal and Slovakia were between 10% and 30% lower than the EU27 average.
Hungary, Estonia, Poland and Lithuania were between 30% and 50% lower, while Latvia, Romania and Bulgaria were between 50% and 60% below the EU27 average.
Bulgaria's GDP per inhabitant was just 41% of the EU average.