Malta Enterprise has launched a new scheme to support artisans in transferring their skills to other persons interested in learning the relevant craft.

Any duly registered craftsperson and self-employed person who has experience in the production of a craft can benefit from this incentive when mentoring and transferring their skills to a trainee. Applicants will need to demonstrate they have the knowledge, capacity and facilities for providing the skills transfer.

The assistance in the form of a grant of up to €10,000 will be disbursed to the mentor for the hours dedicated to the skills transfer. Up to a further €2,000 will be available to support the purchase of materials required for the implementation of the skills transfer.

An additional bonus of up to €1,000 shall be awarded to the mentor if they employ the trainee after the training, or if within six months from the completion of the skills transfer programme the trainee establishes a new business based on the skills attained.

The scheme will also support the trainees who after receiving the training start a new craft related business based on the knowledge gained.

A first call for applications is open until March 15. Any unallocated funds will be disbursed in a further two calls for applications, with submission deadlines on May 17 and July 19 (subject to the funds not being used up in the previous calls). Each closing date will be followed by an evaluation stage. Projects must be approved by Malta Enterprise prior to commencement. Detailed incentive guidelines can be downloaded from

For further assistance and information call Business 1ST on 144 or by e-mail on

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