I am a frequent visitor to this lovely island. I visit two or three times a year from London where I was born and have lived all my life.

London has undergone massive changes over the years and none more so than in the last 20 years. However, many like myself feel the change is for the worse.

London is now densely overpopulated, expensive, filthy and at times very dangerous. We have endured a massive influx of immigrants, many legal, many not.

Most immigrants are good people and want to work but it seems that from what has happened in London, a fair amount are not and are out to gain a better lifestyle by whatever means. The UK government does not even know how many immigrants there are now or how to address the problem.

I always read The Times and have followed this debate on immigration in Malta for some time now. While I appreciate this subject is a hot potato, I plead for the authorities of Malta to stay on top of the situation, unlike the government of the UK. I fully understand the plight the vast majority of these people are trying to escape but please keep a firm lid on the situation and keep in control of the numbers for the sake of Malta's future.

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