It is said that if you want to learn a foreign language quickly, it is advisable to go and live in the country where the language is spoken.

How true it is, and I shall add and say that if you want to know what one will get by being a member of the European Union one should live in one of the member countries. Ireland is said to be one of the most expensive countries in the EU, and I even read in your paper that it is even more expensive than Malta.

I beg to differ, as I find Ireland a bit less expensive than Malta. Apart from white goods, and TVs, which are much less expensive than in Malta, we find photographic material and printing of films are really very expensive in Malta.

To quote an example, a 36 exposure film would cost about E7 in Ireland, while in Malta it costs more than double. Mobile phones cost just a fraction of what they cost in Malta. Are these items, and many others, going to be costing the same as in other countries of the Union? One might say that we do not live with these items alone and, of course, food is much more important than white goods, TVs etc.

And that is quite right, and from what I have seen in Ireland, items are, if not less expensive, of the same price. I wish I could quote prices, but I can assure you that this is correct, and during the festive period it is even cheaper than at other times to visit the local supermarkets and get bargains.

It is also noticeable, on many roads, buildings of historic interest, motorways, and other sites, the now prominent 'notice boards' with the European Union emblem, and the words "This project is 80 per cent financed by the European Community".

Needless to say millions upon millions of euros have been paid to Ireland to produce better farming, roads and many other products and produce.

It will be a shame if Malta does not join the Union, and let me add, how happy I was to see our prime minister on the national news together with the EU's leaders.

Let us hope for the good of the Maltese, especially the young, who would want to embark on a wider aspect of life in other countries, that Malta will be one of the members in the very near future.

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