The 13th Palazzo Falson Historic House Museum in Mdina has taken a quantum leap into the 21st century through the launch of an electronic website that showcases its history and antiques collection.

Fondazzjoni Patrimonju Malti unveiled the portal, developed by utilising Icon's flagship technology, ICON.snap, allowing the foundation's staff to organise and manage content on the site.

Photos of the house, its interior and close-ups of some of its vast collection of antiques are on the portal, including information about the layout through an interactive plan of the museum. Icon, which co-sponsored the project, is an innovative web application development company with a track record of creating user-centred interactive sites for world-class brands.

An entire section on the website is dedicated to Olof Gollcher, who lived in the house till 1962 amassing the vast collection displayed inside the house.

The museum is the second oldest palazzo in Mdina and one of the most ancient homes on the island.

Originally known as the Norman House, its present name reflects the history of the residents who made it their home. The Falsone family is the first securely documented family known to have lived there in the early 16th century.

Capt. Gollcher bought the house in the early 20th century turning it into a showcase of art and antiques, where he entertained friends. The house and its collections were restored by the foundation over five years until it was re-opened to the public in May last year.,

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