Mrs Mary Fenech Adami visited the Physically Handicapped Rehabilitation Fund (PHRF) at Corradino, which is celebrating its 60th anniversary this year, for February Mass celebrated by Fr Modest Gatt.

Mrs Fenech Adami was welcomed by PHRF chairperson Giorgia Tabone, treasurer Carmen Attard, and co-ordinator Helen Sciberras, who showed her around the centre where she met council members and employees. Mrs Fenech Adami also visited the games room and the gym.

Thanking her, Mrs Tabone spoke about the challenges of running the centre, and said: "The council needs the contribution of all members and staff but most especially of the sponsors so as to improve its operation, look ahead and continue to increase the services offered."

Mrs Fenech Adami, who earlier this year attended the PHRF's annual party with President Fenech Adami, said: "I have made it a point to visit philanthropic institutions who invite me to their place of operations. This will enable me to see the good work done by volunteers who offer their free time to assist others.

"The Physically Handicapped Rehabilitation Fund has always been at the forefront in offering assistance to the physically disabled. This should be further encouraged so as to continue to prosper in the future," Mrs Fenech Adami said.

Revlon Glitz & Glam competition winners

"Simply Revlonutionary... Simply Irresistible!" was the glamorous statement submitted by Alison Xuereb of San Gwann who won first prize in the Revlon Glitz and Glam Competition.

Ms Xuereb was presented with a diamond necklace worth Lm1,000 courtesy of Diamonds International, by Karl Micallef, director of Classic Group.

The second prize, a flight for two to London, was won by Rose M. Khutri of Mosta with her statement "Revlon evolution a sexy solution". She was presented with her vouchers by Dr Ray Bondin, director of Express Travel. The runner-up was Miriam Scerri of Naxxar who won free Revlon products for a year with her statement, "Revlon Colours your wildest dreams!"

Giselle Balzan Demajo, director of Charles de Giorgio Ltd, was present for the occasion.

Revlon would like to thank the sponsors: Diamonds International, Express Travel, Topshop, Trans-forma, Accessorize and Toni & Guy who supported this event.

Vodafone employees contribute to charities

Vodafone Malta Ltd employees have donated Lm1,000 each to Id-Dar tal-Providenza, the Malta Hospice Movement and the Abandoned Animals Association.

These contributions were collected through the Vodafone Employee Contribution for Charity Scheme, whereby employees donate an amount from their monthly salaries to charity. This amount also includes donations from the Christmas staff party.

Through this scheme, Vodafone employees may each year select the organisation to which the annual amount collected is donated. Employees select three local organisations from a list provided by Vodafone. Vodafone employees may also suggest a local organisation which is not on the list.

"Through this donation Vodafone would like to show its appreciation to the dedication shown by these associations," said Brian Calleja, facilities manager at Vodafone. "We believe that we should all work together to help those in need in the Maltese community. We hope that our initiative encourages more companies to follow the example," he said.

The Malta Hospice Movement is a voluntary organisation which provides and promotes the highest standards of palliative care possible for people with cancer or motor neurone disease and provides support to their families.

Among other objectives, the Association for Abandoned Animals, which runs on a voluntary basis, fights against cruelty towards animals, rescues abandoned animals, promotes animal awareness, provides veterinary care and exercises pressure to introduce stricter legislations.

Id-Dar tal-Providenza in Siggiewi cares for people with physical and mental impairments.

Lions Club fund-raising dinner

Lions Club of Malta (Host) recently held another of the well-established social events for both Lion members and their guests, at the Golden Tulip Vivaldi Hotel.

The excellent buffet menu provided by the hotel was well enjoyed. All proceeds from the activity, which included a raffle and a wine auction, were in aid of charity. Lions Club of Malta (Host) president Joseph C. Gauci oversaw the activities.

Such events, as well as larger and more ambitious projects designed to raise funds for charities locally and abroad, are the raison d'être of the Lions Club. Lionism however is a well-established international movement built upon a membership of individuals who use their talents in business and management to organise events and activities.

Carnival party for Nesquik Club members

Nestlé Malta recently hosted 450 children, members of the Nesquik Club, to a Carnival party - with a difference.

The children attending the party at the beautifully restored historic Caraffa Stores in Vittoriosa were welcomed by Quicky, the popular Nesquik Club mascot, who kept the children busy with a number of enjoyable and colourful activities.

Children were taught how to sing, dance, draw and act by none other than three of their favourite Disney Classic movie characters - the Lion King, Aladdin and the Little Mermaid.

During the party, children were also hosted to a Nesquik bar where they were treated to a delicious and healthy snack.

Members of the Malta Red Cross group were also in attendance to ensure the children's safety. Parents accompanying the children could relax at the Nescafé bar where they were served with Nescafé Cappuccino while enjoying the lovely views of the Vittoriosa Marina.

La Prairie International Trainer visits Malta

Barbara Cortiello, La Prairie's international trainer responsible for sales force training, VIP and press events and the Art of Beauty throughout Europe, Middle East and Asia, was recently in Malta to conduct an extensive training session for beauty therapists and beauty advisers responsible for La Prairie products in Malta.

The three-day training session took place at the Radisson Golden Sands Spa and Resort where Ms Cortiello gave an intensive product training to all La Prairie beauty advisers, as well as hands-on training for therapists responsible for La Prairie's Art of Beauty treatments, the much sought-after Swiss Spa Experience which offers the world's most exclusive beauty treatments in a luxurious calming environment with pampering so rejuvenating and relaxing that tension and stress float away.

During a press event at Zest, St Julian's, she gave the local media a sneak preview of La Prairie's Anti-Aging Complex - A Cellular Inter-vention Cream, an amazingly pro-active treatment which intercepts the skin-aging process.

Potent anti-inflammatory agents combat chronic silent inflammation - one of the primary causes of premature aging which alters skin cells at the deepest level. Free radicals are controlled, while an invisible veil seals in moisture and produces a rapid surge of internal hydration.

Furthermore, Anti-Aging Complex also delivers a mega dose of energising nutrients via La Prairie's patented Exclusive Cellular Complex, thus reinforcing the skin's natural regeneration. Anti-Aging Complex knows no age: it effectively intervenes at any stage in the skin's aging process.

La Prairie products are exclusively distributed by AM Mangion Ltd.

Concert in aid of Kenya missionaries

The Daughters of the Sacred Heard of Jesus together with the Sliema Band Club recently organised a vocal and musical concert by the Sliema Youth Big Band conducted by Mro Sigmund Mifsud, together with other young talented soloists, at the Sir Temi Zammit Auditorium of the University of Malta.

Proceeds from the concert are in aid of missionary projects by the Sisters in Kenya, where a school is currently being built to cater abandoned street children whose parents died with AIDS.

The concert was held on two days which were both sold out, giving the Sisters a greater boost and help for their great sacrifice and effort in helping the needy Kenyan children.

Before the interval, Tonio Portughese, president of the Sliema Band Club, highlighted its role in helping the Sisters in their important mission in Kenya.

Modelle International 2006 models

Modelle International recently held its first popular show of the year at The Golden Tulip Vivladi Hotel.

Representatives of Modelle International, including Sue Rossi and Claudia Calleja, conducted the auditions. Forty females and 20 males were chosen during the event.

Modelle International thanks She 2s, Thea Saliba & Friends, Denis Law and Alana Paula Bondin for providing entertainment.

Mireille Bonello compered the show.

Gateway to Miss World

The final night of Miss World - Malta, organised by Modelle International under the direction of Sue Rossi and Claudia Calleja, will be held on June 10.

The winner will be representing Malta in the final of Miss World finals in Poland in September.

Thirty finalists of the Miss World - Malta pageant are appearing on a weekly television show GateWay to Miss World, on Net TV.

Chemimart's beauty consultant Roberta Weatherill and her assistant Rodianne Sammut will be taking care of all the contestants' make-up during their filming and activities using Pierre Cardin Beauté products. Chemimart Ltd is the main sponsor.

MSV sponsors ceramic exhibition

Middlesea Valletta Life (MSV) is co-sponsoring the first solo ceramic exhibition of artist Charlot Cassar which is being held at Del Borgo, Vittoriosa, till Sunday.

Mr Cassar previously participated in a number of collective exhibitions both locally and abroad. He hopes this exhibition will serve to establish him more prominently on the local art scene.

The exhibition includes wall hanging pieces, ceramic pieces and free-standing, wheel-thrown and altered forms.

CEO lands highest City Marketing honours

The Ceremonial Court of the Worshipful Company of Marketors held at the Stationers' Hall in the City of London featured a first ever granting of Livery Status to a Maltese entrepreneur specialising in the field of marketing.

The chairman and CEO of M&E Management Group, Dr Massimo J. Ellul, who heads a marketing and entertainment management consultancy organisation with its administrative offices based in Kappara, was uniquely honoured by the granting of livery status accredited to the City of London, through the Worshipful Company of Marketors.

The traditional ceremony was headed by the Master of the Company, Roger de Pilkyngton, after the Court of Assistants unanimously approved Ellul's Livery Status. Dr Michael Refalo, the Maltese High Commissioner in Britain, was among the guests at the dinner.

The Marketors' Company is the 90th Livery Com-pany of the City of London incorporated by Her Majesty the Queen.

The Royal Charter only allows for 300 of the top professional marketors to be given such an exalted status within the City of London and members of the Livery are minutely scrutinised by the Court of Assistants of the Company.

The process of attaining Livery status is lengthy. Dr Ellul was in fact nominated for the honour by Sir Paul Judge, past Master of the Company and chairman of the Royal Society of Arts and president of the Chartered Man-agement Institute. Sir Paul was also the director-general of the British Conservative Party.

Prior to his nomination, in April 2005, Dr Ellul was admitted as a Freeman of the Worshipful Com-pany of Marketors. In September, the Lord Mayor of the City of London, Michael Barry Savory, and the City Chamberlain Peter Derrick granted the Freedom of the City of London to Dr Ellul in an ancient ceremony held at the Guildhall. In fact, Dr Ellul became the only Maltese to attain the honorary status of Citizen and Marketor of London. This important recognition was indeed essential to attain Livery Status in the City of London.

Dr Ellul said that he was honoured by this unique recognition of his marketing endeavours by the highest marketing authority of the City of London.

The Consultancy Group which he heads also runs offices in London, Edinburgh and Dubai.


Maria Zahra recently qualified with distinction in Classical Ballet with the National Association of Teachers of Dancing, UK.

Ms Zahra has been trained in ballet by Pippa Roberts of Pippa Gee Dance Studio and is now a member of the cabaret dance group The Pippa Gee Dancers.

Maria has attended international master dance classes to help gain a wider knowledge of dance. She plays the bassoon on a part-time basis with the National Orchestra and also holds the Associate Diploma of the London College of Music (A.Mus LCM), and the Grade 8 performer's examination on the Clarinet, London College of Music.

Ms Zahra recently obtained her Bachelor of Communications (B.Comm) from the University of Malta, taking Music as a secondary subject. She was awarded the Gieh Santa Lucija in commendation for being the first female bassoonist in Malta.

For your diary

Ward U Zghar is organising a get-together at the Centru Hidma Socjali, St Venera, on Wednesday at 7 p.m. The group will be meeting in Valletta on Saturday to watch a film. For more information phone 9947-2868.

A car boot sale is being held at the Hamrun Lyceum on Saturday and Sunday with time slots from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. (tickets at Lm1) or from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. (tickets at Lm5). Proceeds are in aid of the Lyceum. For more information phone 2122-5661 or 2123-6265/6.

Walk for Life

Gift of Life has collected the sum of Lm821.33 from a sponsored walk organised recently from Valletta to Bay Street. Scores of families, couples and children, turned up for the event, despite the threatening thunderous clouds above, accompanied by St John's Ambulance and two traffic police officers, who carried out a good job protecting the walkers.

The group was also accompanied by a van sponsored by Multitrade Ltd. The walkers left Valletta at 10.30 a.m. towing 250 helium-filled pink and blue balloons partly sponsored by Multigas Ltd. The balloons sported the Gift of Life logo and the +9 pro-life symbol.

Walkers carried various signs sponsored by BIG, depicting various pro-life messages. The walkers were joined at the Love Monument in St Julian's Bay by Justice Minister Tonio Borg, Dr Anglu Farrugia and other MPs, who all walked the last stage of the nine-stage walk to Bay Street. The nine stages symbolised the nine months a child spends in the mother's womb.

Following short speeches by Dr Borg, Dr Farrugia and Child Commissioner Sonia Camilleri, the crowd was thrilled by an energetic performance from Ira Losco, who sang a number of her popular songs, including So Alive which is distinctly pro-life. Claire Azzopardi also gave a fantastic interpretation of the song Wonderful World.

Gift of Life thanks Party Time for their help with the balloons and whistles, Alf Mizzi for Gatorade and Philip Forace of Four Aces Supermarket in Msida for supplying water, as well as all the volunteers, walkers and the many onlookers at Bay Street, who supported and even donate funds for the educational and support services initiative.

Third Golden Cross International Singing Festival

The third Golden Cross International Singing Festival, an annual international cultural event held in Malta, will this year comprise two contests, the Junior Contest, for singers aged six to 15, and the Main Contest, for singers aged 16 to 35.

The main aim of this non-profit event is to promote the local talent abroad through the motto peace and friendship through music and arts.

The festival will be held at the La Grotta Complex in Gozo on July 25-28 and will be broadcasted on television.

The organising board has secured the participation of renowned international young singers. A record number of applications have been submitted from Italy, England, Romania, Bulgaria, Poland, Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Lithuania, Macedonia, Serbia & Montenegro, Bosnia & Herzogovina, and for the first time Libya and the Canary Islands.

The festival is affiliated with the FIDOF organisation. An international jury will decide on finalists and the winning song according to individuality, creativity and talent.

The closing date for Maltese participants is April 30. For more information, visit, send an e-mail to or phone 9945-2697.

The President and Mrs Fenech Adami's engagements: March 20-26

10.30 a.m. The President is presented with a donation in aid of the Malta Community Chest Fund (MCCF) by BoV, at the Palace, Valletta.
11.15 The President receives GRTU officials.
5.55 p.m. The President and Mrs Fenech Adami attend Holy Mass on the occasion of the World Down Syndrome Day at St John's Co-Cathedral, Valletta.
7.30 The President and Mrs Fenech Adami attend a reception hosted by the Tunisian Ambassador and Mrs Mohamed Mezghani on the occasion of the National Day of Tunisia at their residence in Attard.

9 a.m. The President delivers the opening address of the European Standing Conference of the History Teachers' Association entitled "Using historical skills and concepts to promote an awareness of European Citizenship" at the New Dolmen Hotel, Bugibba.
7 p.m. The President hosts a reception in honour of the participants of the second Judicial Conference on Cross-Frontier Family law issues organised by the Ministry of Justice and Home Affairs at the Palace, Valletta.

10.30 a.m. The President visits the Chinese Cultural Centre in Valletta.

10 a.m. Mrs Fenech Adami presides over an MCCF working committee meeting at the Palace, Valletta.
1.30 p.m. The President and Mrs Fenech Adami attend the opening of the 50-hour bicycle marathon in aid of the Muscular Dystrophy Group and Id-Dar tal-Providenza at the Liceo Dun Zammit Brighella in Hamrun.
7.30 p.m. The President and Mrs Fenech Adami attend a reception hosted by the Greek Ambassador Dorothea Tsimboukeli-Douvos on the National Day of Greece at the embassy in Ta' Xbiex.

10 a.m. The President accompanied by Mrs Fenech Adami unveils a monument by the Gift of Life in 21st September Avenue, Naxxar.
7.30 p.m. The President and Mrs Fenech Adami preside over a concert for Europe by the Sliema Band under the direction of Mro Ronnie Debattista with the participation of Bulgarian tenor Kaludi Kaludow at the Sir Temi Zammit Hall, University of Malta.

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