I came across Saviour Balzan's video-blog a couple of days ago and it was instructive in the extreme.

I would commend it to you, if wasn't for the portentous smugness of the delivery, which makes it such a poor specimen of a genre that anyway is not one that is generally characterised by superlative production values. Suffice it to say that the piece consists in a head-and-shoulders of the chap delivering himself of a turgid sermon, for all that it is delivered in shock-horror tones reminiscent of a trailer for some lousy thriller, describing the means by which the Government is ensuring that it will cling to power.

Apparently, there are three bloggers, who Balzan doesn't deign to mention by name (scared of yet another libel suit, mayhap?) who are acting with the benediction of the Prime Minister and who indulge in character assasination and similar machinations in order to bolster the efforts of the other two pillars of the establishment's power structure.

Honestly, this man inhabits a universe all of his own.

In the week following a finding of the Press Ethics Commission that quite clearly demonstrates how Julia Farrugia, an editor in Balzan's own stable, had indulged in a goodly spot of attempted character assassination all of her own, out he comes with this tall tale, trying to convince the world at large (or the miniscule portion of it that wastes bandwith on watching him, anyway) that the "three bloggers" (you can almost see him spit when saying the phrase) are part of some dastardly plan to keep the PN in Government.

Verily, the beam in his own eye goes unseen, presumably because he's blinded by his own obsessions about how the world is conspiring against whoever it is who occupies prime position in his agenda of affections.

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