Forum has accused CMTU president William Portelli of ‘inexplicable behaviour’ and called for his resignation with immediate effect.

Forum noted that while Mr Portelli first said that the CMTU was not opposing Forum membership on the MCESD or the ETUC, a few hours later, he stated that before there was a commitment and a state of good relations between the GWU and the CMTU, the CMTU would oppose any new entries into both the MCESD and ETUC.

“This inexplicable behaviour coming from a leading trade unionist is a complete disgrace to trade unionism in Malta.

“This island has never witnessed such an inconsistent and contradictory trade union leader whose actions are creating tension, hostility and enmity among unions in Malta,” Forum said.

Forum said that for the past months it has been extremely prudent and patient, keeping its mouth shut notwithstanding Mr Portelli’s “unceasing and shameful efforts” to attempt to bring Forum’s 11 unions into disrepute at national and European level.

“William Portelli even had the cheek to strongly oppose and vote against Forum’s application to become member of the Institute for Labour Studies at the University.

“He was the only one, in fact, who did so. Ironically the employers voted in favour. Strangely enough the UHM, the main and strongest affialiate within the CMTU abstained. Forum wonders whether the affiliates of the CMTU were ever consulted about this vote.

“William Portelli, who is also the president of the Malta Union of Bank Employees has also been on the forefront to strongly oppose Forum’s application to ETUC for the past year. He even opposed the recommendation by John Monks, the ETUC general secretary, and attempted to make other foreign confederations believe that this could lead to fragmentation.”

Forum said that Mr Portelli’s dislike and disdain of Forum was beyond belief.

“All this will not deter our confederation from continuing with its genuine efforts to promote the interests of working people at national and European level,” it said.

Forum said that Mr Portelli’s tactics made the CMTU the laughing stock of trade unionism in Malta.

“This man now resorts to blackmail both GWU and Forum with his vote in ETUC and MCESD. Forum queries whether his recent statements and decisions both locally and abroad have been internally discussed and agreed to by his colleagues.”

Forum noted that Mr Portelli and his colleague Anna Maria Darmanin, who was also the vice-president of the European Economic and Social Committee, were the only ones amongst 120 foreign delegates to stand up at March 9 ETUC executive meeting in Brussels and vehemently oppose another Maltese confederation from joining the European Trade Union Committee. This was a scandal to one and all, it said.

Due to these consideration the Forum believed that the CMTU and MUBE President had no other alternative but to hand in his resignation with immediate effect.

This, it said, would be for the common good of all trade unions in Malta. It said it was holding Mr Portelli responsible for bringing Maltese trade unionism into disrepute by creating further divisions, and using blackmail tactics on his Maltese colleagues.


In a statement issued later, the CMTU said that its position had been voted unanimously in a council meeting and there was no acceptable reason for Mr Portelli's resignation.

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