The Lord Jesus Christ should always remain the focal point of the Christian world in the dying moments of 2009.

This is that time of year, when more than two thirds of humanity will turn to God with a prayer in their hearts. The world needs peace, love, harmony and wisdom. This is only possible through our spiritual evolvement. Meditation, prayers, acts of charity and kindness are the practical keys to this goal.

Relationships and life itself does not move forward until the process of forgiveness has been initiated. In today's world, forgiveness has become the template that delivers us from painful areas. It facilitates the mind to move towards the upward dimension of spiritual development.

It is the fundamental requirement before any one makes any spiritual progress. Forgiveness is the biggest act of charity that you can accomplish this season. Honestly forgive the one who has caused you pain and try to begin a new relationship of acceptance and love.

There are a lot of wrong ideas about forgiveness. May think that you should wait until you're no longer in pain and that once this is gone then it is a sign that you have forgiven. But since forgiveness is for the sake of the ones who have been hurt, it is, so to speak the victim, who should make the first steps and this does not mean that the offender should go unpunished or that you should act like nothing happening, perhaps allowing them back into your life.

Forgiveness is for you, and you alone, and it does not have to involve any change from the offender.

Many would honestly claim that it is hard to shake hands with a clenched fist, but the truth is that the best way is to start by forgiving yourself. This can be done through meditation and prayer, both of which calm the body and mind by creating an atmosphere of silence and self analysis.

When someone has hurt us, it is natural to pass through the three stages of forgiveness -
1. Expression (acting out, expressing scorn)
2. Suppression (taking your thoughts inwards, analysing, negotiating)
3. Release (crying and letting go)

Once the tears well up, let them flow. This indicates that the process of healing has begun. When you have attacked the root cause of the problem, spiritual development speeds up. Your mind and body respond to the soul's basic need of maintaining harmony within itself and with nature around it.

However it is not sufficient to simply meditate and forgive. The act has to be followed for the rest of the year with a strong commitment. The feeling of compassion follows naturally with forgiveness. When the act of charity is done and for the right reasons it is also therapeutic. It is considered genuine forgiveness thus facilitating all around healing.

Don't we gag and try not to cry when Scrooge is welcomed with open arms at Fred's house? Deep down, all of us want to partake in that forgiveness, so don't wait to enjoy the peace that forgiveness brings.

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