Fimbank plc and London Forfaiting Company Ltd, two companies of the Malta-headquartered Fimbank Group, were named winners in their respective categories in the prestigious Global Trade Review awards.

Fimbank plc was recognised as 'Best Factoring House'; London Forfaiting Company Ltd was named 'Best Forfaiting House' for the second consecutive year.

Global Trade Review is the world's leading international trade finance magazine, read by and featuring the market's key banks, credit insurers, corporates, traders, law firms, brokers and consultants.

The annual GTR readers' poll for Leaders in Trade was set up as an opportunity for this specialist magazine's readers to express their views on which financial institutions excelled in the trade, commodity and export finance markets during the year.

Fimbank plc is an international trade finance bank focused on delivering trade finance solutions to businesses worldwide. London Forfaiting Company is a UK-registered, fully-owned subsidiary of Fimbank plc, with offices in Malta, the UK, Turkey, Russia, Singapore, Brazil and the US.

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