It is very real that traffic in our small island has reached saturation. The problem is that it can only get worse. Despite the fact that the cost of fuel is getting higher by the hour people still prefer to spend more so long as they feel mobile.

We have to import all our fuel and our energy bill is going out of control. The use of fossil fuel is the cause of practically all babies suffering from chest/sinus problems.

Mothers rush with months-old babies to hospital to give them oxygen treatment. Can anything be done about this gruesome situation?

I see a solution whereby the burning of fossil fuel can be more than halved. It is simple yet it needs the political will of the government and the opposition to make it happen. This will occur if most of us take to electric bikes or electric scooters. There are things that have to be seen to before the nation goes for it. Traffic laws should be installed so as to give priority to the two-wheeled traffic. I say this because as the system stands, bicycles are considered a big nuisance to those safely seated in their four-wheeled vehicle. The "I am king of the road" mentality is so prevalent that it deters many from using the two-wheeled form of transport.

There are of course incentives to be thrown in for the citizens to take it up. These electric bicycles/scooters should be imported duty free.

The road licence should be nominal but those using them should have third party insurance. The cost of our fuel bill would drop dramatically as would the cost of spare parts for cars.

The nation might lose out on the tax drawn from these items but it would save on the health bill.

Moreover, battery driven two-wheelers need to be aided by the driver when going up certain hills.

This would force the driver to do some exercise which would make him healthier. An educational campaign would be a must.

The alternative to this scenario is more sick babies and elderly citizens and a law forcing all traffic not to exceed 30kph. In London many areas have applied this rule and many boroughs are applying to become a total 30kph area.

I know this sounds a drastic solution but before you throw your spare wheel at me consider the savings on our fuel bill. Roads would last longer. With the coming on the market in a year or two of paint-on photovoltaic cells, in our country we would not need to recharge the battery on the mains.

Dare the authorities take the challenge in defence of our health, our environment and our finances both personal and national?

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