A draft cultural policy was launched by Culture Minister Dolores Cristina this morning following a number of artistic activities at St James’ Cavalier.

The policy is now open to consultation until June 1 by when a series of workshops on its different features would have been held.

The public may also send their comments and suggestions to culturepolicy.medc@gov.mt .

The policy - http://www.education.gov.mt/ministry/doc/pdf/cultural_policy/cultural_policy_eng.pdf - aims to provide guidelines by which government entities, voluntary organisations and private enterprise articulate their roles and contributions to the sector.

The policy focuses on the cultural development needs in Malta. These include improved cultural governance structures, international cultural cooperation, strengthening the professional status of the artist, articulating the specific needs of the arts, heritage and audiovisuals, development of the cultural and creative industries, recognition of cultural rights, cultural socialisation and cultural inclusion, and ensuring the long-term sustainability of the cultural sector

A number of strategies in line with the policy are to be defined to outline the necessary actions, tangible outcomes, responsibilities and timeframes which need to be pursued. Such strategies will focus on the needs of the country, and their impacts will be analysed to identify initiatives which are most feasible, desirable and in the best interest of Maltese society.

This policy entails a number of measures, including legislative and administrative adjustments coupled with statistical and analytical research, to ensure that the implementation of these strategies was effective and consistent with general public policy and with the specific objectives which were being identified for the cultural sector.

It aims to point out the ministry’s intent to increase awareness and understanding of cultural well-being as a purpose of government. Its proposals aim to reflect the government’s interest in funding of, and impact on, cultural activity. Together with its subsequent programmes and initiatives it aims to promote understanding of the interrelationship of well-being between society, culture, economy, and the environment.


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