Maltese companies and businessmen interested in doing business in Switzerland or with Swiss businesses are encouraged to participate in a seminar being organised by the Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry, and the Swiss-Maltese Chamber of Commerce.

A series of speakers are expected to speak about conducting business in Switzerland from a Maltese perspective, including Foreign Minister Tonio Borg, and Philippe Praz, First Secretary for Economic Affairs at the Swiss Embassy in Rome.

Furthermore, Kurt Kamber, President of the Swiss-Maltese Chamber of Commerce will discuss the role of the Swiss-Maltese Chamber. Mr Kamber is a Swiss entrepreneur, specialising in financial services. He has promoted business between Malta and Switzerland for over a decade, and set up the Swiss-Maltese Chamber.

The event will be held tomorrow from 4 to 6 p.m., at the Exchange Buildings, Republic Street, Valletta. This will be followed by the Swiss-Maltese Chamber of Commerce AGM.

For further information one may contact Klaus Pedersen on

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