Opposition leader Adrian Delia warned on Sunday that he would take action against those who were taking advantage of his personal struggles to score political points.

Speaking on the Nationalist Party radio NET FM, Dr Delia reiterated that he would not be commenting on his ongoing marital separation, as both him and his wife Nickie Vella De Fremaux pledged to do in court.

Dr Delia has faced growing pressure to step down as party and Opposition leader after court documents leaked onto social media alleged that he had been violent and abusive towards his wife and children.

Echoing similar comments he made on Saturday, in which he said he would be resisting “malicious attempts” to turn a private matter into a political one, Dr Delia on Sunday went a step further and said that he would find out who was trying to score political points through the situation.

Without elaborating, the Opposition leader added that “if necessary”, he would also be considering taking action on this.

“My fight will continue and I will fight this with more conviction not only for my own sake and for my children’s but also for the country,” Dr Delia went on before moving on to discussing other issues.

Corinthia plans

Dr Delia also spoke about the Corinthia Group’s plans to build up 100,000 square metres of residential and office property in St George’s Bay, paying the government €17 million for the land. This despite real estate agents saying that the land carried a market price tag of at least €700 million, with Dr Delia saying that the matter again highlighted the government’s “arrogance and incompetence”.

He said that while the PN was in favour of projects and investments, the party wants to ensure that things were done fairly. As this did not seem to be the case, the Opposition could not back the deal, he said.


The PN leader also spoke about a front page report in PN newspaper Il-Mument, which claimed that the government is actively considering legalising abortion in the coming years. Dr Delia said that he hoped the story was not true, but that he unfortunately feared it might well be.

“We have always made it clear that we can never accept abortion. As a party we will fight to our last breath so that abortion is not legalised in Malta. They can make whichever arguments they want. From the moment of conception, there is life,” the PN leader went on.

Dr Delia concluded the question and answer session by thanking all those who have supported both him and his family in the past days, urging people to find time to help those who are most in need.

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