Is teleportation just fiction or is it a fact? And what is the true nature of light? The microscopic world has been a source of fascination for centuries. Over the past hundred years we have learnt that some very strange things happen in the world of the very small. This is the realm of quantum mechanics.

A highly interactive and interesting talk will be held by André Xuereb and Vittorio Peano from the Department of Physics at the University of Malta, who will go through some of the more intriguing and wonderful aspects of this topic and talk about how their research is giving rise to new technologies developed at the University of Malta and by their colleagues around the world.

Date: Wednesday, December 6, 7pm
Venue: Valletta, St James Cavalier, Spazzju Kreattiv, Studio B
Price: Free
Language: English

Malta Café Scientifique thanks the STEAM project, funded as a Erasmus+ Key Action 2 Strategic Partnership, Spazju Kreattiv for hosting this event, the University of Malta, Malta Chamber of Scientists (of which Malta Café Scientifique forms part).

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