Since the majority of MPs will abide by the result of the referendum on divorce, as has been shown in your survey (March 20), even though the referendum is a consultative one and not binding, it is imperative that we consider carefully what is implied in the question put before us. We have to reflect not only on what is specifically mentioned but also on what is intentionally or unintentionally left out of the question.

The question put to us, though loaded, is incomplete and biased because it does not include all that is implied when couples decide to divorce. No man is an island. We do not live in isolation and therefore our actions, besides affecting us, also affect those around us.

Before deciding for or against divorce I suggest we examine the question carefully and see the whole spectrum, also giving importance to what is left out of the question.

To help one be more objective and fair I am reproducing the referendum question as it is, adding what, to my mind, should have been included in the question, for what is obvious to some is not so to many.

The question is the following, with my added words in italics: ‘Do you agree with the introduction of the divorce option in the case of a married couple who have been separated or have not lived together for at least four years, and where there is no reasonable hope of reconciliation between the spouses, while adequate maintenance is guaranteed and children are protected, even though there might still be repercussions on the couple itself, their children – if they have any – on the institution of marriage and on society as a whole?’

Divorce does not solely affect the couple involved but also their children, the institution of marriage and society as a whole. When voting according to our conscience on divorce we also have to take these considerations into account.

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