I am not at all surprised that the politicians want to keep some information away from the voters. One has only to look at the amount of money some candidates are spending on this election campaign in newspaper advertising alone, not to mention the number of lavish buffet occasions in four- and five-star hotels.

Anyone who knows anything about advertising costs would know that some are not spending a "tiny penny" and this is very extravagant publicity which confirms why EU parliament seats are so dearly sought after, as can be confirmed by the large investments that some candidates are making in this election!

There are certainly no signs of the dreaded "world recession" in this campaign. I bet anyone that their slogan will be that they are contesting this EP election to fight for our rights and for Malta's and Gozo's best interests in the EU Parliament, and nothing to do with the very lucrative salary and expenses package that winning a European Parliament seat brings with it.

I will also start to believe in political transparency when all political parties are funded solely by the taxpayers, and not by the big businesses whose only interest is in what they can get out of the political system. The sooner this happens the better for all those citizens who believe in real political equality and want to put Malta and the Maltese people first and before their respective political party!

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