The popular BirguFest, including Birgu By Candlelight will be held between this Friday and Sunday. The festival highlights the beauty and history of Citta Vittoriosa through a number of activities for people of all ages.

The festival will once again host locals and visitors alike, for another edition of the candle lit magical evening, together with a variety of traditional music, choirs, local and foreign bands.

For the young at heart, concerts by renowned local bands will rock the main square of Vittoriosa on Friday evening; while on Saturday morning, Heritage Malta is organizing a guided tour into the various creeks around the Grand Harbour and focusing on the fortifications which surround it. In the evening, people of all ages can relax to a concert of mixed music in various parts of the City, in the candlelit ambience.

Sunday morning will see the participation of a band which is in Malta to participate in the Military Tattoo and the In Guardia troop who will march around the streets of Birgu and parade in the main square.

There will also be historic re-enactments and discounted museum entrance prices.

The highlight of this event, the magical Birgu By Candlelight on Saturday, will see all the streets and houses of this magnificent City lit only by thousands of candles, adding a romantic touch to this city’s historical ambience, together with a variety of traditional music, choirs, local foreign bands and a short film festival.

Further information can be obtained through the Birgu Local Council website or by calling the Birgu Local Council’s offices on 21662166 or 79662166.

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