The Alfred Mizzi Foundation is contributing towards projects to assist national heritage, education and social solidarity as part of the centenary celebrations of the Alf. Mizzi & Sons Ltd Group.

The foundation’s primary projects include the rebuilding of the Torri ta’ l-Arlogg in Vittoriosa; a nation-wide study on genetic predisposition to diabetes and obesity entitled, Sahhtek; and the setting up of Malta’s first Soup Kitchen.

The foundation will also assisting Din l–Art Helwa with the restoration of the five altars in the Our Lady of Victories Church in Valletta; the Notarial Archives restoration committee by taking up the first sponsorship of the ‘Adopt a Notary’ project due to be launched shortly, and the restoration of the altar, its surrounds and titular painting in the Church dedicated to the Immaculate Conception in St Julian's.

Trustee Julian Sammut told a press conference that the work connected with the sponsorship of these projects will be coordinated by the foundation trustees.

The foundation was set up in 2005 to manage and oversee all the Alf. Mizzi & Sons Ltd Group’s corporate social responsibility projects, in close association with NGOs and other entities.


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