With a good 30 years working gynaecological experience, I would humbly like to express some thoughts on abortion.

When a pregnancy is wilfully terminated, one must realise that self-rejected motherhood is always wrought at the cost of maternal damage be this immediate or late, whether apparent or not. Even conceding that a "time" window exists when the foetus is not a person (which I reject) and hence can be destroyed, there is no such anatomical "window". An aborting mother is always allowing her womb to be wilfully violated to allow life to be ripped out of her. With regret and certainly no gloating, but with much hands-on experience, I must say that such a woman will indeed suffer. And, here, I do not even speak of the potential physical complications like pelvic infection which may jeopardise future childbearing.

When one witnesses the fierce irrepressible instinct by which any living creature defends its born young, one understands why nature inflicts a heavy penalty on the psyche of the mother who has wilfully aborted. It is not punishment meted out by the men who "invented God". Without getting too clinical, please do read the article by Sarah-Kate Templeton entitled "Royal College Warns Abortions Can Lead to Mental Illness" in The Sunday Times of March 16, 2008. Or perhaps one should just reflect quietly in solitude and let an unprejudiced inner voice speak to one's naked soul. A sinner like all, I also happen to believe in God. And yes I believe that abortion is a great offence against His Divine plan. But I also believe that wrenching away the unborn from their mother's womb is a horrendous offence against nature itself.

Love and sex, licit or illicit, within or outwith the marriage bond may be morally wrong but still acceptable to nature. But ripping out or chemically pushing out the young to their death, is an offence against which nature itself shows its abhorrence. Whether immediately or much later, in the waking hours or in the nether world of sleepy shadows, psychic retribution will rear its ugly head. For one may argue as to when a foetus has a right to its life but who is kidding nature? Most of all, believe in Him or not, who is kidding God?

Back in my UK training days, with the abortion act in action for 13 years, it became amply clear to me that gynaecologists took the path of least resistance and accepted most abortion requests irrespective of the lack of a serious indication. Life being what it is, this always happens when abortion has been legalised. It was nauseating to witness the following set up: A night's careless, maybe drunken occasion...positive pregnancy test...a sympathetic GP (such a caring man!)...an easy gynaecology consultant in hospital...operating theatre...anaesthesia...blood on the gloves...a tiny doll like head...part of a foot...a few fingers...off with them in the bin..."all well...off you go Mrs Smith. Do be careful please next time...but in case you can always go to Dr Care-a-lot...yes yes, of course we're always here too...don't worry...we can put everything right nowadays..."

I do not enjoy rejecting an abortion request for I know that there is much suffering behind it. But, complying means much future suffering to the woman, and even suffering unto death to a fellow and innocent child of God. How can I perform such a terrible act of destruction on a little unwanted one? Who has given me such a right? Maybe in other countries, the law does. Well, my friends, at night, when that little voice speaks, it is I, George Buttigieg, and not some bureaucrat, who has to quell the inner turmoil that any human should and often does experience. You see, operating theatre sterility may keep the germs out of this act of butchery but not one's conscience. I am being emotive, I hear you say. Of course I am. Isn't emotion an integral part of our humanity?

There will always be a reason why abortion is fought for. And I understand. Yes, I also weep for the women whose pregnancy will bring them disaster rather than happiness. I also know that neither I nor an abortionist gynaecologist hold a solution to suffering humanity in the presence of an unwanted pregnancy. I am too small to solve any problem by taking life however efficiently science enables me to, even if this were to be permitted by the law of the land. And correctly or not, I believe that many would abort if the law permitted it. Just as many do not abort because the law is not available and when counselling and socio-medical help are given sincerely. I know. A number of people, some quite young, others older, can enjoy the warmth of the sun and smell the flowers because with God's help, I did not direct their mothers to London or Sicily. My final comment is this: A society that destroys its young is on its way to its own oblivion. Witness the worryingly aging population and falling indigenous population rates in so many European countries.

(This is an interminable argument and with apologies and respect to all, I will not reply to any letters or comments nor communicate further on the subject at this time.)

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